Welcome to the “Owl Café”!

Hey, guys! I’m an Indian Eagle Owl. When you think of owls, do you probably think of the  Snowy Owl from Harry Potter? Of course, there’s a Snowy Owl that joined our group this past May, but we have all kinds of owls in our group. Actually, the reason why our owner started this cafe is because he saw a special program on TV about “falconers” and was so fascinated by the charm of raptorial birds, and he wanted people to know how wonderful we are. Why don’t you come and see us?” 

As you may know, there are several animal cafes in Japan, such as cat cafes and rabbit cafes, etc., where you can enjoy interacting with animals. This time, I’d like to introduce my favorite owl café, Owl Village, full of love for owls in Harajuku, Tokyo. You, too, interact with them in person and discover what makes them so fascinating!

JR Harajuku Station

-3 minutes walk from JR Harajuku  Station Takeshita Ticket Exit.

-Go to the right at the alley past Takeshita Street.

-Take the small building to the 4th floor by EV


Entrance to “Owl Village

Wait outside until your appointment time. It is fun to wait on the spiral staircase while chatting and enjoying the view outside. However, I recommend that you make an advance reservation because of the popular cafe.


Fee: 1 hour from 1,800 yen, including one drink and a souvenir (a can badge and a postcard)

【Inside the cafe】
Owl space
Café space

Waiting with a drink while the owls take a break in a cafe space filled with goods with owl merchandise. If you look closely, you can find real owl-like figurines in places.

【In the Owl Space】

After a 25-minute break for the owls every time, you move to the owl space. The staff will carefully explain to you in English in advance. Some owls have come from other cafes as adults, and some have spent time together with the staff since they were chicks. So, these owls are like precious family members to the staff. They know their names and where each owl prefers to be pet or not pet!, depending on their personalities and preferences.

Chaco Owl
White Faced Scops Owl & Western Screech Owl
Mottled Owl & Tawny Owl
Snowy Owl
Barn Owl
Indian Eagle Owl

Not all owls are nocturnal. Nocturnal owls have big black eyes and a special feather structure that allows them to fly silently. On the other hand, owls with orange and black eyes are typically active during the daytime.

“We love the forest of Meiji Shrine!”
“Stay away from my boyfriend!”

They are just like humans. It is fun to get to know them well: sociable and curious, shy and always staying in the corner, mischievous, calm, always watching outside, keeping an eye on her favorite boyfriend next to him, etc.

【Interaction time】

♥Petting・・・Each of them has their own preferred touch. Let’s pet them gently and tenderly.

Feels gooood!

Putting・・・You can try to put them on your arm. The staff will put a glove on you and show you how to handle them. One of them prefers to ride on your shoulder or head rather than your arm.

Feeding and flying・・・You can optionally feed them. (Feed: 500 yen) You can make them fly with food. It is also exciting to watch their powerful flight.

The time with the owls flies by so fast. At first, you approached the owls with trepidation, but as you interacted with them, you were fascinated by their cute eyes and sharp expressions, and by the end, you’ll be a big fan of owls.


If you are lucky, you will get to meet this cafe’s signature dog, Shiba Inu Hachi. He will charm you just as much as the owls.


I first visited this place because one of my friends invited me to go with her to this owl café four years ago. Honestly, I wasn’t even really interested in them at the time. However, my perspective changed dramatically when I was in contact with them. 

Hey, guys! I hope you now have a better understanding of who we are and what we do. Some people say that animal cafes stress us animals. However, we have been living with the staff since we were chicks, so we recognize you, humans, as our friends and don’t feel unduly stressed. But we get tired of doing it all the time, so we take a 25-minute break every hour. Besides, we don’t always stay in this room all the time. On sunny days, the staff always takes us to Yoyogi Park, and we can fly and run. They also weigh us before and after each meal to make sure we are in good physical condition, and if there are any changes, we can be seen by a doctor, so we are in good hands. So, come see us worry-free. I’m looking forward to seeing you all!

“Oops, I almost forgot! You may know we owls are said to be birds that bring luck. If you want to know that well, I suggest you read Rei’s article on HTJ.

“That’s all for now! See you soon!” Your Friendly “Owl Village” Indian Eagle Owl Jiji

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