This time, I would like to tell you about Funassyi as a Japanese sword enthusiast. As I mentioned before, he is a local mascot, the pear fairy in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture. First of all, I think I need to provide a brief summary of the history of Japanese swords.
Around 300 AD, during the Yayoi and Kofun periods, iron was imported from China, and iron-making machinery and technology were introduced to Japan. Swords of this period were mainly used in ceremonies and as symbols of authority, and straight swords were suitable for thrusting movements in battle.
Swords from the Nara and Asuka periods, from around (the late 600 until 794), were characterized by being straight. They were not made for practical use but were made to protect the nation or ward off evil spirits. It’s said that Prince Shotoku also possessed such a straight sword. (He was an imperial family member and politician during the Asuka period.)
Heian period (late 8th century to late 12th century)
Curved swords appeared. Horseback combat became mainstream, and curved swords suitable for slashing movements were developed. Their role as practical weapons expanded.
Kamakura period (late 12th century to mid-14th century)
This period is said to be the golden age of swords, and they were perfected both technically and artistically. With the rise of the samurai class, practicality in battle was emphasized, and strength and sharpness improved.
Muromachi period (late 14th century to late 16th century)
During the Muromachi period, the number of close combat like fights on foot and fights indoors increased, so the length of the sword became shorter, about 60 cm, and the easy-to-use inner sword appeared.
During the Sengoku period, battles became more intense, and fighting in groups became commonplace. Long swords, such as the nagamaki and odachi came to be used, and handheld swords that were easy to handle with one hand also began to spread.
Azuchi-Momoyama period (late 16th century)
As peace came, the symbolic role of the Japanese sword strengthened, and more swords with luxurious decorations were produced. At the same time, their function as battle swords was maintained.
Edo period (17th century to mid-19th century)
As peace came, the sword became a symbol of the samurai rather than a practical sword. Short-bladed wakizashi and art swords were developed, and elaborate designs appeared on sword fittings.
Meiji period (late 19th century)
The sword ban law (1876) was implemented, and the sword lost its role as a symbol of the samurai, and it came to be valued as a work of art and cultural heritage rather than a practical item.
Japanese swords have changed shape and form over the years. Thanks to the excellent skills of the swordsmiths, they became objects that were both practical and of artistic value. In particular, swords made by swordsmiths of the Kamakura period are said to have been made using incredible techniques that cannot be replicated or explained even with modern technology. These techniques and ideals have been passed down to the current generation of swordsmiths, and many magnificent swords are still being made today.
After the end of World War Ⅱ, Japan was placed under the occupation of GHQ (General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers), and Japanese swords were considered weapons and were confiscated or discarded. However, in recent years, there have been cases of foreign countries returning swords with artistic value to their original home of Japan. I think these are amazing things. Even if war does unfortunately break out, if we can develop a respectful attitude towards others, we may have a chance to understand each other. One sword enthusiast, Funassyi, says, “As I came into contact with many swords, I began to feel the beauty of nature. Also, I began to think that what swordsmiths are trying to express through their works is the entire universe. I believe that when people are able to understand the universal meaning of life contained in this work, it will have a profound effect on them. ”He has purchased many swords, but he doesn’t seem to feel like he owns them. He hopes to pass on the legacy he has received through his Japanese sword to the next generation, like a baton relay. Now I wonder, powerless and not having anything as I am, what story can I pass on to the next generation? From now on, this is my theme. Thank you so much for reading my article.

I’m a forever beginner English learner. I am trying to be better, but I haven’t made any major changes. Despite this, there is a lot I would like to tell you. Please read my story. Thank you.